The Mech Touch

Chapter 6691 The Limit of the Pilot

Chapter 6691 The Limit of the Pilot

Venerable Davia Stark broke through.

Every sensor that was able to get a read on the Amaranto Mark III identified the undeniable manifestations of a second apotheosis.

Red humanity just became a little stronger than before after welcoming the ascension of a new ace pilot!

Many human defenders immediately cheered as they saw their hopes of surviving this battle rise higher.

Many high-tier expert pilots of the expeditionary fleet sincerely transmitted their congratulations to Saint Davia Stark.

Although they were all jealous that she had managed to take this crucial step first, the powerful expert pilots all felt confident that they could grasp their own chance during this battle!

As Saint Davia Stark broke through, she became stronger in every way. Although her accumulation was not too great, the fundamental transformation sublimated her willpower and spirit until she was able to birth a new domain!

The cat head prow of the Spirit of Bentheim that previously showed off the majesty of the Larkinson Clan suddenly began to glow brighter while exuding a strong threatening aura.

Anyone who held even the slightest contempt towards red humanity immediately felt guilty, as if the source of the newly formed domain would come to them and force them to surrender their lives one day.

The powerful domain of the latest ace pilot of the Larkinson continued to expand and take shape. E energy radiation from the environment supplemented its growth and helped to solidify the ace pilot's new foundation.

In the meantime, the Amaranto Mark III underwent a transformation of her own. The recently upgraded mech eagerly absorbed a portion of the powerful feedback released by her battle partner, using the energies to boost her growth and become a better living mech!

The compatibility between the mech and mech pilot had already been high, but it rose even further as the energies moulded the sophisticated archemech into a machine that better matched Davia Stark's domain and power expression!

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