The Female Psychology PhD Who Time Traveled to the Royal Harem

Chapter 349

Chapter 349

Most people in the palace only knew that The Dowager Empress had suddenly fallen ill, unaware that she had been imprisoned in the punishment cell by the Emperor. It wasn't until The Dowager Empress died that everyone learned the truth: the Emperor was not her biological son but the child of Noble Consort Jing, the most beloved concubine of the late Emperor.0

A royal edict elevating Noble Consort Jing to the title of Cining Xiande Empress Dowager clearly stated that she was the Emperor's biological mother.0

What should have been a shocking palace scandal instead passed without much uproar, as both key figures involved were no longer alive. With the dead gone, there was no point in pursuing (investigating), and so no one opposed the Emperor's decision to have his birth mother buried alongside the late Emperor.0

Meanwhile, far away in Longxi, the Jing Family had already received a secret letter from the Emperor after The Dowager Empress admitted to switching the babies.0

Old Master Jing, the family patriarch, had once been the late Emperor's tutor. After the death of his daughter, Noble Consort Jing, he had resigned from his official duties and retired to Longxi, where he opened a school to teach and nurture young minds.0

Now in his seventies, Old Master Jing was in remarkably good health, his body still strong despite his age. Freed from the worries of court politics, he had been living a life of serenity in Longxi, appearing much younger than his years.0

After handing over the affairs of the school to his eldest son, he set off from Longxi and arrived in the capital only after The Dowager Empress's death.0

The usually stoic former tutor broke down in tears, hugging the Emperor like a child: "You are A Jing's son, you truly are A Jing's son?"0

There was no need to ask; Noble Consort Jing was Old Master Jing's only daughter, and among her six brothers, he had loved her the most.0

When Noble Consort Jing passed away unexpectedly, his wife, unable to bear the pain of losing their daughter, died not long after.0

Old Master Jing had struggled to recover from the grief of losing his daughter. More than just living, he had been torturing himself, trapped in the sorrow of losing both his wife and daughter, unwilling to move on.0

The Emperor...0

The Emperor bore a resemblance to the late Emperor, but the melancholy and tenderness in his eyes were unmistakably like A Jing's.0

Old Master Jing, as if sensing something, immediately recognized the Emperor as Noble Consort Jing's son, his grandson.0

The Emperor's eyes reddened, and he gently pushed Jiang Xinyue forward, placing her in front of Old Master Jing: "Grandfather, this is your granddaughter-in-law and great-grandson."0

In ​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌‌​​‌​​‌‌​​‌​​​‌‌‌​​‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌​​​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌​​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌‌​​​​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌​​‌‌​​‌​‍Jiang Xinyue's arms was the already giggling Sixth Prince, babbling nonsensically.0

The little one's features were beginning to take shape; he had once been chubby and neckless, resembling a plump doll, but at eight months old, his body was slimming down, his face becoming more refined and showing the masculinity of a boy.0

As soon as Old Master Jing reached out to pinch his chubby cheeks, the Sixth Prince grabbed his finger and tried to stuff it into his mouth, giggling: "Ah——"0

His adorable antics made Old Master Jing forget his tears. He wanted to pull his hand back but was afraid of upsetting the little one.0

"Little dumpling, don't bite Great-Grandfather's hand, let go!"0

The little dumpling looked at his mother, then at the old man, and reluctantly let go, turning to the Emperor for comfort.0

He even complained: "Ahwu ayiyi..."0


The Xuanwu Emperor nodded seriously: "Did Mother scold the little dumpling? Come, touch Mother, tell her not to be so harsh, we're very well-behaved, aren't we?"0

But the Sixth Prince couldn't understand his father's instructions yet. He pouted and turned his back on Jiang Xinyue, nestling cozily on the Emperor's shoulder.0

Old Master Jing smiled contentedly, stroking his white beard: "The Imperial Noble Consort has taken excellent care of the Sixth Prince, and... the Emperor as well."0

So, in the end, it was the Imperial Noble Consort who was the best!0

Jiang Xinyue smiled and shook her head: "The Emperor treats me with great affection, cherishing me as if I were a precious jewel. I treat the Emperor well in return, as a way of reciprocating his kindness. It's only natural."0

Her demeanor of being well-read and gentle deeply impressed Old Master Jing.0

This fondness grew even more when he saw the Sixth Prince.0

Taking the opportunity, the Xuanwu Emperor proposed: "Grandfather, I plan to make the Sixth Prince the Crown Prince. He will turn one year old in April, and I would like you to continue serving as his tutor. I hope you will agree."0

Jiang Xinyue's eyes lit up. Having Old Master Jing as the little dumpling's tutor was an opportunity she had never dared to dream of. After all, he had been the late Emperor's tutor, and even the Emperor himself hadn't had that privilege!0

Sometimes, it's best not to think of the Emperor as a husband but as the father of her child. In that role, he could easily win a "Ten Best Dads" award.0

Old Master Jing's fondness for his grandson was strong. After all, this was A Jing's son and grandson. How could he not love them?0

The Emperor resembled A Jing, and the Sixth Prince resembled the Emperor, which meant the Sixth Prince was like A Jing.0


Old Master Jing laughed and cried: "If A Jing were still alive, seeing her son grown up, married, and with a family, she would be so happy!"0

So, he wanted to make up for the decades of lost affection by spending more time with them.0

The Emperor... the Emperor was A Jing's son!0

How could he refuse?0

With The Dowager Empress's passing, the palace and the common people were required to mourn for three months. No banquets could be held, no marriages or engagements could take place, and no bright-colored clothing could be worn.0

As a result, the usual New Year's banquet for the Emperor to host officials was canceled. After performing a sacrificial ceremony at the Imperial Ancestral Temple, the Emperor concluded his duties.0Nôv(el)B\\jnn

Without much fanfare, the Emperor, accompanied by Jiang Xinyue and the Fourth Prince and Sixth Prince, left the palace and headed to the Jiang Family residence.0

At the Su Residence—0

Lady Su watched the doctor changing the dressing on Second Young Master Su's wounds. The white bandages were soaked with blood, and her heart ached as tears streamed down her face. Her dislike for Jiang Yunxia reached its peak: "You silly child, you went out and got so badly injured, yet you hid it from me. What if something had happened? Tell your mother, was it because you were eloping with Jiang Yunxia and encountered bandits? Ah, Dadu is dead, who could be so ruthless, knowing you are the children of a high-ranking official in the capital?"0

She had hoped her son would elope with Jiang Yunxia, ruining her reputation so she could be taken as a concubine to the prestigious Su family.0

But she had never intended for anyone to get hurt, especially not her own son.0

"Mother, it really wasn't..."0

Second Young Master Su looked exhausted: "I was just feeling restless and wanted to go to the countryside to clear my mind. But Ah Da suddenly went crazy, trying to snatch my bag. In the struggle, he pulled out a knife, and I accidentally killed him."0


Lady Su pushed him forcefully: "What kind of person are you, do you think I don't know? You've always been timid, and eloping with Jiang Yunxia was probably the boldest thing you've ever done in your life. Do you really think I believe you had the guts to kill someone?"0

"Anyway... it has nothing to do with Yunxia."0

Second Young Master Su pouted and lay down, covering his head with the blanket: "Mother and sister, please stop disturbing me and let me rest."0

His wounds were hurting.0

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