Chapter 1009: Our Monster
Chapter 1009: Our Monster
Arad returned with Altair, and the dragon-hunting journey started immediately. Arad, now a powerful Pricolici with a vampire and werewolf pirate crew and a massive horde of cursed sea monsters, had found himself with enough power to feel confident again.
The poor Prince Jack had found himself without his pirate crew, it was a devastating event, but he didn't blame it on Arad as this wasn't the first time a dragon sank a pirate ship. He quickly formed a new crew and set them to work again, thankful that he didn't send his assistant with them or she would've died.
At this moment, Arad was sitting with Jack and the king in a meeting at the royal palace. The king's advisors as well as Mary, Mesharra, Echidna, Plum, and even Altair were all present.
They all saw what Arad could do so no one dared speak up first, just seeing him sitting on a throne just like the king on the opposite side of the table was enough symbol of status, but the king went far enough to yield him the right to speak first.
"Strange attacks by mainly cold monsters, like yetis, white dragons and drakes, cryomancers, and even a titanic ice golem... that looks fun." He giggled with an evil smile.
"That's a Moving Glacier, it's considered a construct like a golem, but this one has a personality and a mind of its own." An old woman who looked in her mid-fifties spoke, giving Arad a sharp glance. "The one we spotted is five miles tall and has a roaring blizzard of snow and hail that howels around it spanning over fifty miles in each direction."